Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inauguration!!


So today I went to the Inauguration of the 44th President of the United States of America, Barack H. Obama!!
It was pretty amazing.
At 8 o'clock this morning me, my mother, my friend and her mother left my house on our bikes to arrive downtown around 9 o'clock and hand our bikes over to the WABA Bike Valet (thank you so much you amazing volunteers!!) So we bustled about to arrive on the Mall. We were positioned slightly behind and to the left of the Washington Monument and that's where we stood until we left. Our fifty people radius, our crowd, was the most amazing crowd to stand with!! I guess every single person there (except for the crazy religious people with the Trust Jesus signs) was amazing, however OUR crowd was hilarious!! There was a guy like a little ways away from our crowd who held up a bag. I said, "Put the bag down please!" Then a couple people around me started chanting, "Put the bag down! Put the bag down!" The entire group started chanting that, then finally he put it down. Another funny incident was when some random lady started waving this ginormous American flag with a unicorn on it and the word "Freedom" underneath. We all looked at each other and started chanting, "Put the flag down!" It was funny! Barack Obama's speech was inspiring to say the least. Aretha Franklin- amazing.
So after Obama was sworn in, everyone tried to get out at the same time- resulting in a human deadlock. We stood for about an hour enclosed by more people and Port-a-Potties. After a little bit a random guy with blue skinny jeans decided to jump up onto the Port-a-Johns! (Kudos to you Skinny J. Guy!) A few more people jumped up after him and the rest of the crowd simply asked what they saw: "People, trees, ya' know." were their responses. So after an hour of standing and occasionally moving, we got out and onto the street where we were once more at a slightly moving standstill.

Yes, that was a ton of fun! Good luck Barack Obama!!

Much love, thanks for reading,
