Monday, January 12, 2009

Algebra 1 Exam...en Francaise

Aujourd'hui etait ma examen de Algebre. C'etait facile saufe quel-ques questions qui etait sur les pourcentages et les problemes avec les mots. Mais, toutes les autres etait trops facile et j'ai partir la salle avec une demi heure en regarde. Oui! J'etait vraiment heureux d'arrive a ma maison a dix heures de la matain! Un jour entire pour moi de faire rein que je veut, mais avec pas de doubt, c'etait pas vraiment bonne. J'etait foid et faim beacoup de la jour. Mais saufe de ces quel-ques petits mal choses, c'etait un bon journee! Et maintenent la transaltion en anglaise avec un petit peu plus!!


If you were wondering why those last sentences were in French, it is because I took French since I was six so I am basically fluent- though my computer has no French accents. sorry! Now for the translation and more stuffies!

Today was my Algebra exam. It was easy except for a few questions that were on percentages (%) and some word problems. But, all the others were very easy & I left the exam room with a half hour left. Yes! I was very happy to come home at 10 o'clock in the morning! A whole day for me do to whatever I wanted, but of course, it wasn't that great. I was cold and hungry a lot today. But apart from those small bad things, it was a good day!

Yeah, that basically sums up the past six or so hours. Tomorrow I have two exams so I will not arrive home as early as I did today.

I was just thinking about emulsifiers. In my Biology class I learned about emulsification and I was just thinking about it when I was washing olive oil off my hands because I was baking bread. But the soap I used had a polar and non-polar ends which surround the lipids and take it away from my hands. A useful little tid-bit of science!

Later, much love!!


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